Sunday, August 30, 2009

Clutter - dealing with it

I often seem to be dealing with multidimensional clutter. I think it's mostly a problem - a really difficult problem - but maybe sometimes it's an opportunity.

Why all the clutter? Some of it may be my personality type (a Myers-Briggs "P" - we like options and have trouble with closure and throwing things out). Some is lack of time. Some is probably learned behavior.

Also circumstances. For me, there are a lot of ways to categorize clutter. A lot, but not all, is self-inflicted. A lot is also externally imposed - my occupation and personal life create time clutter as well as space clutter. I also came into a number of family artifacts - old photos, furniture, etc. - that something meaningful needs to be done with.

There's a high cost to it - it limits both current operations and future pathways. At the same time, life-as-a brainstorm seems to work well for me, but there's a kind of optimum point past which it becomes a handicap.

With some clutter, there also seems to be a compound-interest factor - it can go from challenging to bad quickly.

Besides resolving to do better and wishing for more hours in the day and a bigger home, I may need better tools. One thing that looked promising was a mailroom literature organizer with mail slots, so that daily mail could be categorized.

One interesting website:

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