Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Career Switching Articles

Going back to the broader theme of career switching: a lot of people want to (or are forced to) do it, but resources and opportunities are limited.

Interesting observation in this Seattle Post-Intelligencer article http://www.seattlepi.com/business/401235_jobs25.html:

"That's the frustration for Sheri Jacobson, 58, who is weighing the cost of a career transition against her remaining earning years. She was laid off from her job in educational publishing management in December, and her industry is in flux.

"Every place you read recommends the same 10 jobs," she said, ticking off dental hygienists, nurses and software specialists.

"Nursing is always listed as one of the best jobs to consider due to high demand and good wages, as if nursing can be done by anyone who decides to get into it," said Jacobson, who lives in Sammamish. "I don't know about you, but I dread having blood drawn by someone who's qualified but not good at it. Same for IT jobs, always recommended as if we're all cut out to be technical gurus." "

But the article winds up on a more encouraging note, talking of learning to view and repackage your existing skills.

Maybe. The Labor Department has an online tool for matching skills to occupations:
http://online.onetcenter.org/, which also links to other tools.

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