Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Doctorate Degree Program in Information Systems of a Kind

This was an article from 2005 on doctoral program design and attrition.

The InSITE2005 program also has other interesting papers:

This paper doesn't really address the midcareer part-time situation, but it's still interesting. Robert Morris University is a university in the Pittsburgh PA area:

RMU's IS program appears to be innovative, though their programs are mainly aimed at the Pittsburgh area and full-time, not for part-time distance students. I had not heard of RMU. Who was Robert Morris? Turns out he was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and one of the Founding Fathers of the US.

One confuser: there are at least two Robert Morris Universities. The other is in Illinois (

A Doctorate Degree Program in Information
Systems of a Kind
Frederick Kohun
Robert Morris University,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Azad Ali
Butler County Community
College, Butler, PA, USA

This paper discusses the design characteristics of a doctoral program in information systems at a university located in Western Pennsylvania. The program design includes unique characteristics that are intended to minimize the attrition rate among the students enrolled. The paper begins by discussing baseline statistics and reasons for attrition rates in doctoral programs. The focus thereafter is an overview of computer related doctoral programs that offer doctoral degrees in information systems. It concludes with a detailed description of the specific design attributes of the Doctor
of Science program in Information Systems and Communications at Robert Morris University (RMU).

Keywords: Doctorate of Science, Information System Doctorates, IS Programs, Pennsylvania IS Doctorate Programs, Computer Information Systems

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