Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Finding Out What Tuition Costs (Not Always Easy)

You'd think, with all the schools in the part-time re-entry graduate school business, that it would be straightforward to find out what a single course costs - maybe with a Fast Facts or FAQ link. This is important information for a re-entering student. If you're going to ask an employer to fund your course, you need a dollar figure to tell your employer. And you may need it fast! Sometimes employer-funded opportunities appear quickly and vanish quickly. The universities I've probed seem to be oblivious to this.

Also if it's coming out of your family cookie jar, all the more reason for needing quick course costs. Even for a US state university, something like $1000-1500 (x3-4 for most private colleges) is not a small expense for most households. If it's a small expense for your household, congratulations!

But finding it is like pulling teeth with most school websites! Finding this information was often difficult. You had to hunt through obscure links leading to the bursar's office or somesuch.

Seems like this would be easy to fix - why don't they?

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