Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) - Career Switch Path

I'm exploring M&A as a career switch path. One way is to go to a good law school, make partner at a good M&A law firm, and proceed from there.

That may not be very accessible in mid-career.

Another way I've heard about is to get an MBA in finance. I've also heard that audit is a good way to go - that would depend on getting hired as an auditor.

This link mentions another credential:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Georgetown BS in Finance - a life-changer?

Jenny Sullivan Sanford, the now-apparently-estranged wife of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford who has been getting a lot of favorable press, has an interesting entry in her bio:

Her education was a BS in Finance from Georgetown University McDonough School of Business:

That's it - no law degree, no Harvard MBA.

With that, prior to meeting Mark Sanford, she ended up rather quickly becoming an Mergers and Acquisitions VP investment banker at a major NYC investment house. I could be wrong, but that usually means you get rich fast.

I don't know what her other connections might have been (not Mark Sanford - this was prior to meeting him), but this suggests that GU/MSB may have some strong mojo magic for networking and making the right connections. The bio mentions her career matter-of-factly, but this is really quite remarkable. There aren't a lot of BS degrees that put you in this kind of power track.

Not exactly a midcareer move, but worth a thought.